740-753-6181 | studentemployment@huakangbook.com
John Light 167, Nelsonville Campus
As part of Career Services, we see student employment as a great opportunity for current students to balance the demands of the classroom with the financial needs of pursuing a college degree, while also preparing for their desired career.
Students employed by Hocking College are exposed to a professional work environment where they develop many of the important transferable work skills that help many college graduates to become prepared for the challenges of the workforce.
We are focused on teaching the students ways to be successful by encouraging growth and development in using the Career Readiness Core Competencies.
Hocking College offers employment opportunities for students both on-campus and in community service programs such as America Reads. The jobs around campus may include working in facilities, the cafeteria, specific department offices, and others. A list of all Student Employment jobs can be found in the Office of Student Employment.
Hocking College Student Employees could be funded one of three ways:
All three types of employment are considered Student Employment and all positions are part-time with a maximum of 16 hours per week.
740-753-6181 | studentemployment@huakangbook.com
John Light 167, Nelsonville Campus
The Hocking College Work Scholarship is designed to assist students who need financial assistance to cover the gap left after financial aid has been applied. In the past, the only solutions to this problem have been for family or friends to give the students the money, or they would have to apply for a personal loan from a bank.
Hocking College can now award qualified students a specific amount of money to be added to their account. To receive this scholarship, you must agree to work in a student employment position at Hocking College.
If your remaining balance to pay is $2,500 or less for the semester, after all charges and expected aid have posted, you may be eligible for the Hocking College Work Scholarship and could receive up to $1,000. Any remaining balance would be set up on a Cash Payment Plan.
The application process is simple! All you have to do is meet with the Office of Student Employment or Financial Aid, or complete the online application.
Once you decide you want to receive the Work Scholarship, you will complete the Work Scholarship Agreement. When the agreement is signed, you will be directed to apply for Student Employment.
Once the student accepts the Work Scholarship, the $1,000 is added to their account. In return, the student agrees to work 20 hours per bi-weekly pay period (an average of 10 hours per week) that will be automatically deducted and be used to pay back the scholarship. Once the student has met their obligation, any additional hours worked will result in the student receiving a paycheck for those hours.
When the student has completed the Work Scholarship by paying the $1,000 back in full by working approximately 115 hours, they will transition to regular student employment, and the deduction will stop for that semester.
The difference that you will owe may be placed on a Cash Payment Plan. The plan will be set up through the cashier's office.
You can be awarded the Work Scholarship every semester you attend Hocking College. A student must apply for the Work Scholarship each semester if they would like to continue participating in the program. If a student fails to complete the work scholarship, they are ineligible to apply again unless a payment plan has been set up to cover the outstanding scholarship amount.
A key purpose of student employment is to be a learning opportunity for students to gain marketable skills and experience they will be able to use in their post‐graduate endeavors. For this to happen, supervisors must hold students accountable for unacceptable work behavior. Use this form to report any violations in their work conduct. Each incident must be documented.
If you are interested in an employment opportunity within a specific department, please visit the Office of Student Employment located in JL 187 to see a full list of available positions.
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Hours of Operations:
8 AM - 5 PM | Monday - Friday
3301 Hocking Pkwy.
Nelsonville, Ohio 45764